Analytics Made Simple

Insights for the Rest of Us

Analytics Miami


I am an Analytics professional with over 20 years of experience in the field of Analytics, including Business Intelligence, Data Science, Data Engineering, and Data Architecture & Governance. Based out of beautiful South Florida


Currently, I work toward empowering organizations to harness tools to gain insights, implement them into their processes and become Data Driven Decision makers. Hoping to shed some light on common topics in data!


From the military to the world of finance, to now the world of tech, I am on this crazy ride to continually learn and keep on expanding my horizons to become the best version of me that I can become! Let’s tackle these topics together!


My goal with Analytics Made Simple is to make data less intimidating and more entertaining. I unpack the mystery of statistics and analytics using plain language – no PhDs required. Just practical examples, key takeaways explained in human terms, and a little humor so learning about data isn’t a snooze-fest. My mission? To make analytics accessible for anyone who finds it baffling and boring


Reading Time: 3 minutes
Welcome to the first installment of our SQL tutorial series! If you're new to the world of data, you might be wondering, "What is this SQL everyone keeps talking about?" Don't worry, you're in the right place. Let's dive in and demystify this powerful tool.
Reading Time: 10 minutes
We live in an age of data fragmentation. Thanks to siloed systems and disjointed processes, customer and business data gets scattered in bits and pieces across the enterprise. Even as data volumes explode, gaining a trusted 360-degree view remains virtually impossible. What if I told you there is a solution to tap into the power of unified data while still preserving privacy? Enter data clean rooms.
